Yet again we embark on an adventure to bring some realgoodstories to the world. If you’re into negativity and depressing stories about the end of the world, just turn on your TV and watch the news. But if you want change the world, share whatever good news you can find. And that is precisely what we are trying to do. We turn a deaf ear to the negative garbage and focus on the good.

The touching ad by Samsung

Now, what do we know about big companies like Apple or Samsung? They give us great products, but they also make us pay a lot of money for them. Apparently, they don’t care about the environment or the people, only about money. But can you connect the two? Samsung tried with this story about a deaf man. We are here to spread some good news about them too. Even if their new devices are a bit overpriced…

A story of a simple deaf man

Muharrem is a young hearing-impaired guy who lives his days in one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Instanbul. His sister, Ozlem teamed up with Samsung to brighten his day. Can you imagine what it would be like if you were deaf and had difficulty communicating with everybody around you. Even buying groceries could be a difficult task for the hearing impaired sometimes. Now I have a question for our deaf readers: Can you imagine what it would be like if everybody could sign? Imagine that everybody you see or meet throughout the day or week can use sign language to communicate with you. Muharrem is one of the rare people who will experience this dream.

Ozlem and Muharrem, the deaf man and the protagonists embark on a magical day
Ozlem and Muharrem, the deaf man and the protagonists embark on a magical day

‘Hearing Hands’ ad for Samsung call center for the deaf

Samsung reached out to Ozlem and they made a plan to make this a possibility. Samsung made a wonderful ad campaign involving both Ozlem and Muharrem. All the siblings needed to do is go about their day. All Samsung needed to do is train everybody in their town to speak the sign language… It took them a month to set up all the cameras and train the people who would participate in the add. By the time the judgement day comes everybody including shop owners, taxi drivers and his sweet neighbors can sign.

What better way to make people aware of a useful call center for the deaf and hard of hearing in Turkey?

They just wanted to give a good man the best day of his life.

I think they succeeded. This is a touching story about a deaf man and a town full of people that love him. Muharrem is just a regular man who lost his hearing long time ago. These people just wanted to make him feel normal, if only for a day.

Yes, it is a commercial for Samsung that aired in Turkey, but the beauty of this video and its message is not lessened by that. When you see everybody understanding Muharrem and his amazing reactions you only think about what humanity can achieve. If only we worked together to make this world a better place…

Since the ad came out it became viral with around 300 million social media reposts. The production cost around 100,000 euros, but the value is closer to 3 million euros now! Best of all, the ad inspired the Turkish Congress to discuss the rights of deaf and other handicapped people! World, changed!

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