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Hero Dog Saves Its Little Human Brother

Another proof that dogs are human’s best friend. The kid might have been torn to shreds if he didn’t have this hero dog as a friend. This dog really is a next level protector, no moment of hesitation whatsoever. The whole thing will give you conflicting feelings because the attacker is a dog as well… but all is well when it ends well.

Man’s best friend indeed!

Tank, the hero dog saves its little six-year old brother

How many times have we seen videos of dogs being all cute and cuddly or hilarious? Countless and counting! This hero dog was out taking a leisurely walk with its little human brother. Just Tank and his little 6-year old human brother. They started running around the neighborhood when one of the neighbor’s dogs’ feral instincts kicked in. Seeing a little running creature woke up the ancient wolf and it started to chase after the kid. But before it arrived anywhere near the kid, big dog brother pushed the kid to the ground in order to protect him, and jumped over the kid and towards the attacker dog. The action is so swift and fast, you have to see it again to believe it.

It was clear for everyone to see that the dog saw the kid as one of its own

The big dog brother easily marshals the attacker dog far away from the kid before the parent and the neighbor intervene. The attacker doesn’t give up and Tank actually pushes the dog onto the street where it slips on the concrete before it’s taken by it’s owner. A third dog enters the fray, but it doesn’t really do anything but show up to see what’s happening.

Tank goes from playing to protecting in nanoseconds, a real hero dog

Needless to say, if it wasn’t for the dog, their interventions would have been far too little too late. I’ve never seen a dog react so fast and so protectively over a human. It was clear for everyone to see that the dog saw the kid as one of its own. It’s a wonderful thing to witness, to be sure. This is not a random dog fight, this is a dog protecting a family member. It’s beautiful.

If you like animals, check out this video of 2022’s funniest pets and read some more stories here. This story got over 45 million views on TikTok (@flodaboy239) so follow us and leave comments on our social too.

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