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Big Cats vs Boxes

And you thought only your domesticated little kitty liked messing around with boxes. Well tigers and lions like it too! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, science can finally confirm: All cats hate water and LOVE boxes! Just check out this video full of big wild cats playing with cardboard boxes like itty bitty kittens would.

Big cats love boxes too!

Well, there you go folks, we finally have the proof that the only difference between lions and kittens is their size. These so-called “wild” cats could not be any tamer as they are presented with your regular every-day cardboard box.

Big wild cats demonstrate their love for cardboard boxes

Every person out there who has ever had a cat in their house have experienced this. Let me paint you a picture: you buy a very expensive, very elaborate toy for your cat. The toy arrives, it takes you an age to assemble it but you’re proud of yourself. But… your cat is only interested in the box it came in. Exasperation.

Weeks pass and while the cat started paying attention to the toy but the box remains the real attraction. The cat has even forgotten about you as it is playing with this cardboard masterpiece. What is it about laser pointer dots and cardboard boxes? Will anybody ever answer this question for us? We don’t know! What we do know is that when it comes to this mysterious artifact, bloodthirsty tigers and cute little kittens are the same. It holds a special place in their hearts. Just make sure the the size of the boxes corresponds to the size of the cats.

This big wild cat (also known as a LION) certainly loves himself some cardboard boxes

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