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Beluga Whale Enchanted By Violin Music

About Whales

Look at that beautiful beluga whale!! When somebody mentions whales, we usually imagine the biggest creature on the planet. They have arteries big enough for humans to fit through and slide. They communicate with beautiful far-reaching sounds and mesmerize every inhabitant of the ocean depths. Whales’ blowholes have fascinated us since we noticed they have them. In fact, the blowhole is their nose!

Beluga Whale Loves Violin Music

But not all whales are as huge as both your parents’ and grandparents’ houses put together. Some of them are considerably smaller. For example, whales like the vaquita, the dwarf sperm whale, pygmy and its cousin the pygmy killer. One of the cutest small whales is the beluga whale. We will take a look at a video of this type of whale enjoying some violin music. And if that is not enough, check out this old elephant chill with Debussy.

Whale Sizes In Comparison

Beluga Whale

Beluga whales like swimming in the Arctic and belong to the Monodontidae family of whales. Belugas are known as white whales for obvious reasons. They can easily swim under the polar ice caps. One of the most interesting things about this type of whale is the so-called ‘melon’. This is an organ on the front of their heads. It is quite big and it is the organ for echolocation. I guess humans might need this echo-locating ‘melon’ in their melons, wouldn’t you agree? But all jokes aside, echolocation is what enables these whales to survive under the ice. The melon is able to find breathing holes and save the beluga’s life.

Parts Of The Beluga Whale

If we are talking about the white whale’s size, they are approximately between a true whale and a dolphin. Smack dab in the middle! They weigh around 1,600 kg or 3,530 pounds. They can reach sizes of up to 5.5 meters or 18 feet. Their bodies are stocky and most of their weight comes from the blubber. What is whale blubber, you might ask? Blubber is basically whale fat!

Humpback Whale’s Blowhole

But enough about their characteristics, let’s learn something about their behavior. Everything you need to know is in this video. These wonderful ocean beings love music!

If you want to learn more about these amazing creatures, click here!

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